Ion Cleansing
Beauty: More Than Just Skin-Deep

The Ioncleanse detoxifies the body more effectively and faster than any herbal or fasting
protocols, with little or no stress to the patient. Used properly, the Ioncleanse provides
a comfortable and relaxing way to rid the body of toxins without precipitating healing
crises and Hersheimer’s reactions
A water molecule is composed of two hydrogen
atoms and one oxygen atom. When the molecule loses a hydrogen atom, the remaining OH molecule
take on a negative charge. As you walk along the beach, your body absorbs millions of these
negatively charged ions, which alkalize the blood and tissue. Because of poor diet and high
stress, we tend to accumulate and store excessive quantities of waste products such as
diacetic, lactic, pyruvic, uric, carbonic, acetic, butyric and heptic acids.
According to Dr. Theodore Baroody, author of Alkalize Or Die, acid wastes attack joints, tissues, muscles, organs and glands causing
minor to major dysfunction. He asserts that avoiding disease and maintaining vitality as we
age requires the maintenance of an alkaline environment throughout the body. This is
virtually impossible to accomplish in our high-tech, high-stress, toxic society unless we can
walk on the beach everyday.
30 minutes – $40
Buy six get one for FREE